L'Humain étant au cœur de mon projet photographique, j'ai choisi au sein de cette série de portraits, de m'intéresser à cette période passionnante de la vie, sûrement l’une des plus complexes et les plus limpides à la fois... Nous vivons dans un pays dont la population est de plus en plus âgée, et j’ai à cœur de montrer que la vieillesse est multiple et que les personnes âgées sont aussi notre avenir, chose trop souvent oubliée. Par ailleurs, cette période charnière de la vie peut être vécue de manière tantôt nostalgique, optimiste, rude, paisible, poétique... autant de facettes qui font la complexité de cet « âge » et que j’aime à mettre en lumière.
Je voulais qu'émane de chacun de ces portraits à mi-chemin entre la mise en scène et un regard documentaire, une vérité de l'instant qui se rapprocherait au plus près de la femme que j'avais en face de moi, de sa façon d'appréhender sa vieillesse, et de composer avec sa féminité malgré tout. Pour avoir le rendu qui m’intéresse, et cela fait partie intégrante de ma démarche, la confiance doit être mutuelle. Je dois connaître chaque personne que je photographie, et inversement. Il s’agit tout simplement de faire connaissance, et cela prend le temps que cela doit prendre, avec chaque personne. Il s’agit avant tout d’un échange.
Dans une société de plus en plus productiviste ayant tendance à laisser de côté les plus faibles, les pensant inutiles, j'ai donc décidé de mettre ces femmes en avant, et leur donner la parole (et une visibilité). Chaque rencontre fut belle et singulière. Le sujet de la vieillesse est plus que jamais d'actualité, puisque d'ici 2050, 69 Français sur 100 seraient âgés de 60 ans ou plus, soit deux fois plus qu'en 2005. (source : INSEE). Se pose alors réellement la question de la vieillesse en France, de notre façon de l'envisager et de la mettre en place dans notre société.
[Certains prénoms ont été modifiés.]
The Human being in the heart of my photographic project, I chose within this series of portraits, to be interested in this fascinating period of life, surely one of the most complex and the most limpid at the same time... France is a country where the population is getting older and older, and I want to show that old age is multiple and that the elderly are also our future, something too often forgotten. Moreover, this pivotal period of life can be lived in a nostalgic, optimistic, rough, peaceful, poetic way... so many facets that make the complexity of this "age" and that I like to highlight.
I wanted each of these portraits to emanate, halfway between a staging and a documentary look, a truth of the moment that would come as close as possible to the woman I had in front of me, to her way of apprehending her old age, and of composing with her femininity despite everything. In order to get the rendering that interests me, and this is an integral part of my approach, the trust must be mutual. I must know each person I photograph, and vice versa. It is simply a question of getting to know each person, and this takes the time it must take. It is above all an exchange.
In a society more and more productivist tending to leave aside the weakest, thinking them useless, I thus decided to put these women in front, and to give them the word (and a visibility). Each meeting was beautiful and singular. The subject of old age is more than ever topical, since by 2050, 69 out of 100 French people will be 60 years old or more, twice as many as in 2005. (source : INSEE). The question of old age in France, of our way of considering it and of implementing it in our society, is thus really raised.
[Some names have been changed.]
Jeanne, born in 1915 - " When I was 20, I had beautiful hair. I love my hair. "
Denise, born in 1931 - Gave birth to 13 children, 27 grandchildren, and 13 great grandchildren.
Andrée, born in 1932 - " I can't sleep at night here... If only someone would come and get me. "
Arlette, born in 1934 - Mixes memories and present, in spite of herself.
Edith, born in 1932 - Fan of Tino Rossi and eternal melancholic.
Isabelle, born in 1924 - " I have always behaved like a rose without a vase... Always. "
Rachel, born in 1912 - " I'm lucky, everything is going well in my head. If I still could, I would kick myself in the butt! "
Corinne, née en 1917 - " I've been taking photos all my life... I lost everything in a fire. Like my memories went up in smoke. "
Marie-Jeanne, born in 1933 - " I think a lot about what happens next. The lack of my husband helps me to accept. He was a great traveler because of his work... I tell myself that I will find him. "
Johana, born in 1933 - " Today is my birthday. For almost a century, the weather has been beautiful on my birthday. "
Yvette, born in 1935 - AKA " The Godmother "
Germaine, born in 1924 - " I have time! I even only have that anymore. "
Denise, born in 1931 - " Don't talk to me about retirement homes. I live at home, that's it. "