Laïs Beunardeau is my sister, and a professional dancer. This series began during her childhood, and will have an end only with ours.
-> www.laisbeunardeau.art

Vera Sung (宋孟璇) is a performer artist from Taiwan. Her works attempts to explore the middle ground between Performance art and Acting by focusing on daily activities. By dismantling or compressing them, transforming them to a symbol or a hint, through repetitive and ordinary daily actions, she try to find out the ritual and the sense of time in every movement.

Sung Hone (宋泓) is a passionate guitar player from Taiwan.

Ramon Lopez is a jazz drummer and painter. He was born in Alicante, Spain. Arrived in Paris in 1985, then in Normandy in 2013. Of a rather discreet nature, his discography is no less impressive, with more than a hundred albums. His musical projects range from drum solo with the National Jazz Orchestra, to collaborations with legendary jazzmen such as Rashied Ali, George Garzone, Barry Guy, Joachim Kühn, Jeanne Lee, Enrico Rava, Pharoah Sanders, or Archie Shepp, etc... performing in concerts and festivals around the world. He is currently one of the most respected European artists in the field of contemporary jazz. Parallel to his musical career, Ramon pursues an intense activity as a painter and participates in numerous exhibitions. In 2008, he was named " Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres " by the French Government.

Some other beautiful souls that passed through my camera…

Zoé Bourgogne Rengifo, Colombian-French Emotional intelligence trainer and instructor
![Nicole Barbier Evans, French theater actress and author
Nicole Barbier Evans, French theater actress and author [https://actu.fr/normandie/belleme_61038/nicole-barbier-evans-alias-la-dame-aux-rouges-a-levres_43869139.html]
![Hao Yang (楊顥), Taiwanese-French theater director and actor [https://fr.linkedin.com/in/hao-yang-09b88948]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6211cefef19a120216388d5e/73f2f3ca-d701-4506-ab7d-2f61bb4252a7/Hao%2B-%2BJimmy%2BBeunardeau%2Bphotographe%2B%2821%29.jpg)
Hao Yang (楊顥), Taiwanese-French theater director and actor [https://fr.linkedin.com/in/hao-yang-09b88948]
![Paul Gouëzigoux, French photographer [http://paulgouezigoux.com/]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6211cefef19a120216388d5e/c6c5df2d-bddc-41fe-9b77-058ca2ed3b64/pauljme001.jpg)
Paul Gouëzigoux, French photographer [http://paulgouezigoux.com/]
![Lynne Bon de Veire, Australian-French painter and sculptor
[ http://bondeveire.com]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6211cefef19a120216388d5e/d9dfa96a-dcfa-485f-9210-f2140d23988d/JB0_6537+-+couleurs.jpg)
Lynne Bon de Veire, Australian-French painter and sculptor [ http://bondeveire.com]
Lycée Marcel Mezen
Portraits issus d’un travail avec des élèves d'un lycée professionnel des métiers de l'automobile et du transport.

Agathe Laurent is a nature lover and wildlife photographer, the fox is her totem animal, so she decided to inscribe it on her skin…
-> https://www.instagram.com/agathelaurentphotos