French freelance photographer, dividing my time mainly between Taiwan and France, where I develop long-term documentary works, I am a member of the Hans Lucas agency and distributed notably by France Press Agengy (AFP) and Reuters.
Telling stories is what has always animated me. So I started by studying cinema through a bachelor's degree, then I completed this course with a professional master's degree in Cultural Mediation, in order to learn how to conduct artistic projects with different audiences. Nourished by these theoretical studies, I then felt the imperative need to find my medium of creation in order to be totally actor of my ideas and projects. I therefore joined ETPA, a photography school in Toulouse, south of France, obtaining first a Certificate of Proficiency in photography in order to master the technique, and then a Certificate of Competence, at the level of a bachelor's degree, to develop my creativity and learn the trade.
- If I were a tree, I would have the roots in « Le Perche », where I was born and live today half of the year, and the crown in Taiwan, where I was born a second time and live today the other half of the year. These two territories are my breeding ground, where I build my photographic look like a long journey. -
Mainly attracted by documentary photography, street photography, wildlife photography and reportage, I wish to show spirits (no less) : - the Anima -, from the Latin "breath", "soul", from which comes the term "Animal". An increasingly shaded part of our collective unconscious to which I constantly cling. That's why I photograph humans exactly as I photograph other animals. By participating in artistic residencies and by carrying out documentary or more personal projects, but also through my travels, my reports for the press, my books and my exhibitions ; I wish to question the relationship between the human animal, its territory and those with whom it cohabits.
- For any project of collaboration or assignment, request for purchase of photographs, or any other question, thank you to contact me by email at : jimmy.beunardeau@gmail.com
The New York Times / Geo Collection / Society / Mediapart / L’Obs / Libération / Télérama / Marianne / France Inter / France Télévision / France Info / Le Point / Le Figaro / Le Journal du Dimanche / Les Échos / Fisheye Magazine / Geo Ado / Le Monde des Ados / Astrapi / Le Journal de Mickey / Le Pèlerin / La Croix / Bouddha News / Le journal du médecin / Le Monde de la Photo / Actualités Sociales Hebdomadaires / 01 Net / Radio Télévision Suisse / Soir mag / Telegram / Die Presse / Mail & Guardian / Times of Malta / Népszava / Agenzia Italia / Asia Times / Radio Television Hong / Estero / La Tercera / Vilàggazdasàg / 24hu / Brookings / Kurir / The edge markets / La Repubblica / El sol de Tampico / Internazionale / Atlantic Council
2023 : Artistic residency « Eyes on Mainstreet » - Wilson (USA)
2023 : « Between dogs & wolves » - Galerie Grand Siècle - Taipei (Taiwan)
2022 : « Formosa », Edmund gallery - Nogent le Rotrou (France)
2021 : « Wild - Life », Dans les pas de Camille festival - Nogent le Rotrou (France)
2020 - 2021 : « Formosa », Mélo d’Arts - Belforêt en Perche (France)
2017-2021 : « Wild - Life », exhibition traveling all over Taiwan for 3 years, in places as diverse as national libraries, art galleries, cafes, city halls, municipal cultural centers, etc - (Taiwan)
2019 : « Dans les yeux de Formose », World Day to Save the Bears - Paris (France)
2018 - 2019 : « Mon Parc a 20 ans, mon Parc dans 20 ans », traveling exhibition in the Nature Parc of Perche - (France)
2018 : Artistic residency « Sapate ou la vie des objets », association « Des films dans mon potager » - Mortagne au Perche (France)
2017 : Artistic residency « Rêver mon coeur de bourg » - Parc Naturel Régional du Perche, Ceton (France)
2016 : « Aïeules », Regards festival, La Halle au blé - Alençon (France)
2015 : « Les enfants perdus », Photo-Graphie festival #8 - Château de La Loupe (France)
2015 : « Aïeules », Cithem festival, La Halle aux toiles - Alençon (France)
2014 : « Cinq regards sur les Pays Baltes », Pinxit gallery - Toulouse (France)
2013 : « Aïeules », Borderouge Residence - Toulouse (France)
2012 : « Tours et ses alentours » Arcades Institute gallery - Tours (France)
2023 : WILD - LIFE - Yushan Publishing (玉山社出版公司) - Taiwan & France